Merry Christmas to you & your family!


Dear Justice family,

My heart is postured in grateful reflection and hopeful expectation with you!

This year has taken great faith to face new challenges and uncertainties. I believe it has been a year that presented us with a pivotal choice: to overcome or be overcome. This is the year that has caused us to learn to be overcomers — in our families, communities, and organizations!

Unable to host our annual gala and fundraiser because of the lockdowns and restrictions, we have been uniquely challenged financially this year. There was a point when we thought we may be unable to continue to fund our women’s center in the red light district of Thailand, but by God’s grace and your generosity we have been able to remain faithful to these women and children!

Thank you for your faithfulness!


  • We experienced incredible growth despite having limited resources.

  • Miracles have taken place across each center in Thailand & Nepal!

  • We continue to be a hub of refuge and rescue for women who are leaving the sex industry. They are receiving a completely new hope, purpose, and future.

  • More and more women and children have come to know Jesus as their glorious hope and savior!

  • Children have been protected from being exploited.

  • The teen girls in our scholarship program are thriving in their educational studies to have futures free of human trafficking.

  • Throughout the pandemic, our centers became outreaches for crisis response by providing food, water, and essential supplies to meet the critical needs of women, children, and families.

  • Stateside in Los Angeles, we raised our voices to petition, protest, and host pivotal events to see Pornhub shutdown.

  • More and more victorious news is breaking every single day in this fight and we are seeing true justice for those being trafficked, abused and raped through pornography!


  • RETURNING TO THAILAND — We will be returning to the centers with a team!

  • GLOBAL EXPANSION — We are presently working on new partnerships to being women's centers and children's schools to the PHILIPPINES and JAPAN, where there is great need to rescue and restore.


Thank you! These miracles are happening because of your partnership and we need your support so we can continue to forge ahead!

Though stretching, this year has made us stronger. God’s heart is for justice and we are reaching as many people as we can with the works of justice and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Thank you for an incredible year together! We bless you and your family with God’s love in this season and pray that His power would be manifest in every area of your lives!


With love and gratitude,
Sharon Ngai 
